Google has finally revealed the name of its next Android version.,and it's NOUGAT. The announcement comes after the google announced a contest to name the upcoming Android version, dubbed as Android N.
The latest version Android Nougat features a popular dessert name originated in Europe, as the Android versions are named after popular desserts.
The release, initially announced in March and currently on its second beta. The Android Nougat is introduced with support for multiple apps on the same window. Users can experience an improved notification shade along with improved Doze that came with Marshmallow last year. The release also has Daydream, Google's new VR platform, baked in, though it'll only be supported by Daydream-ready handsets running the OS.
Another important feature of the Android Nougat is that, it will allow users to block phone numbers at the system level, which means directly from apps like Hangouts, Messenger or Dialer. If a number has been blocked at system-level, other apps on the device will also block it without any action required from the user's side.
Even though the name Nougat is never expected, over the most rumored name Nutella, google is expecting this version will also win android smartphone user hearts with the improved features. Share your views with us on comments.
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