Today's viruses, worms also called as bots, which turn your PC into a zombie that does the hacker's bidding aren't going to announce their presence.They operate in the background, quietly altering data, stealing private operations, or using your PC for their own illegal ends.This makes them hard to spot if you're not well protected.
==>Is your system slowing down? Is your hard drive filling up rapidly?
==>Are programs crashing without warning?
These symptoms are more likely caused by Windows, or badly written legitimate programs, rather than malware. After all, people who create malware want to hide their program's presence. People who write commercial software put icons all over your desktop.
Other indicators that may, in fact, indicate that there's nothing that you need to worry about, include:
An automated e-mail telling you that you're sending out infected mail. E-mail viruses and worms typically come from faked addresses.
Recommended: How to Findout Fake emails and get protected ?
A frantic note from a friend saying they've been infected, and therefore so have you. This is likely a cheat. It's especially suspicious if the note tells you the virus can't be detected but you can get rid of it by deleting one simple file. Don't be fooled and don't delete any file.
What to Do Next ?
Once you're fairly sure your system is infected, don't panic. There are steps you can take to assess the damage, depending on your current level of protection.
If you don't have any antivirus software on your system, or if the software has stopped working, stay online and go for a free scan at one of several Web sites. Running a free online virus scan is a good way to double-check the work of your own local antivirus program.When you're done, buy or download a real antivirus program.
If you have antivirus software, but it isn't active, get offline, unplug wires whatever it takes to stop your computer from communicating via the Internet. Then, promptly perform a scan with the installed software.
If nothing seems to be working, do more research on the Web. There are several online virus libraries where you can find out about known viruses.
Just make sure you keep all security software up to date. The bad guys constantly try out new ways to fool security programs. Any security tool without regular updates isn't worth your money or your time.
Be careful with e-mail. Set your e-mail software security settings to high. Don't open messages with generic-sounding subjects that don't apply specifically to you from people you don't know.
If you have broadband Internet access, such as DSL or cable, get a router, even if you only have one PC.
A router adds an extra layer of protection because your PC is not connecting directly with the Internet.
Check your Internet ports. These doorways between your computer and the Internet can be open, in which case your PC is very vulnerable; closed, but still somewhat vulnerable; or stealthed (or hidden), which is safest.
Hope this article shares you some information on handling viruses. God bless !
Have you heard this one before?
You must run antivirus software and keep it up to date or else your PC will get infected, you'll lose all your data, and you'll incur the wrath of every e-mail buddy you unknowingly infect because of your carelessness.
Yet for one reason or another, you're not running antivirus software, or you are but it's not up to date.Or any other silly reasons.It happens. It's nothing to be ashamed of. But chances are, either you're infected right now, as we speak.
Is Your PC "Owned?"==>Is your system slowing down? Is your hard drive filling up rapidly?
==>Are programs crashing without warning?
These symptoms are more likely caused by Windows, or badly written legitimate programs, rather than malware. After all, people who create malware want to hide their program's presence. People who write commercial software put icons all over your desktop.
Other indicators that may, in fact, indicate that there's nothing that you need to worry about, include:

Recommended: How to Findout Fake emails and get protected ?

What to Do Next ?
Once you're fairly sure your system is infected, don't panic. There are steps you can take to assess the damage, depending on your current level of protection.

A Microgram of Prevention
Assuming your system is now clean, you need to make sure it stays that way. Preventing a breach of your computer's security is far more effective than cleaning up the mess afterwards. Start with a good security program such as AVG,COMODO, ZoneAlarm e.t.c.Just make sure you keep all security software up to date. The bad guys constantly try out new ways to fool security programs. Any security tool without regular updates isn't worth your money or your time.
Few more points for a virus-free life:

A router adds an extra layer of protection because your PC is not connecting directly with the Internet.

Hope this article shares you some information on handling viruses. God bless !
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