By giving final whistle to all the rumors, Samsung has officially launched Galaxy Note 3 phablet at the IFA 2013 in Berlin. The new Galaxy Note 3 features a design with extremely slimmer bezels and sharper angles on its rounded edges, marking a slight departure from Galaxy device design language thus far. It’s thinner than its predecessor and lighter (168g), despite offering a larger screen at 5.7-inches. It also offers more battery life than the Galaxy Note 2, and there’s a new and improved S Pen, too. Plus it supports faster, and more “seamless LTE” with multi-band support.
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 comes with a 5.7-inch full-HD Super AMOLED display, but weighing at 168g and 8.33m wide, is both lighter and slimmer than the Samsung Galaxy Note II. The Galaxy Note 3 will come in two variants. The LTE variant will be powered by 2.3GHz quad-core processor and the 3G version will be powered by a 1.9GHz octa-core processor.